Why Do I Throw Up During Delivery Show Planning
Labor & delivery, the most magical time where you get to meet your beautiful baby but did anyone tell you about the most common side effect Nausea & Vomiting? Your favorite delivery doc is here to help determine if you will be part of the 8 in 10 women who do.
Why Do I Throw Up During Delivery?
You may already know that vomiting is a common symptom when pregnant, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. But should you throw up during delivery? What causes vomiting when in labor? How can you prevent vomiting when giving birth? Read on to get answers to your questions.
Causes of Vomiting During Delivery
If you threw up during labor, you are not alone. In fact, most women experience nausea and vomiting when the baby is almost “coming.” While vomiting during labor is an unpleasant experience, it is perfectly normal.
However, continuously vomiting during labor can have a negative impact on you and your baby. It can make you lose focus on “pushing,” making your labor process to become long. Vomiting can also cause dehydration making you weak to facilitate labor.
On the other hand, throwing up during labor may be a sign of transition, suggesting you are labor process is progressing well. It can also cause your water to break.
Here are reasons why you throw up during labor:
You might throw up during labor if you did not eat before the initial stages of labor started. Labor is an energy-demanding process, meaning your body may trigger ketosis if you eat less before going into labor—restricted eating making your body convert fats to energy resulting in more acid generation, which causes nausea.
However, you must eat light food before labor starts. This is because your digestive system stops when giving birth, and your stomach's food content can trigger vomiting. Eating foods such as peanut butter and juices can as well make you throw up during labor.
Having dehydration when giving birth can trigger nausea leading to dehydration.
During labor, you may take pain-relieving drugs to reduce pain when contractions come. One of the most common side effects of such medication is throwing up. Medication such as epidurals reduces may suddenly reduce your blood pressure which presents with nausea and vomiting. In addition, the pain you experience during labor can make you throw up.
During a C-section, a woman is normally given an anesthetic agent to relieve pain, relax the muscle and reduce sensations. One of the most common anesthesia methods used during the C section is spinal anesthesia. This method has been shown to cause vomiting.
Remedies for nausea and Vomiting
You must drink an adequate amount of fluids to stay hydrated during labor. It is recommended you take a minimum of 8 ounces of water hourly during labor. Alternatively, you can chew ice chips.
Staying hydrated during labor not only prevents vomiting but also reduces fatigue and makes the labor process fast.
Be sure to eat light food before going into labor. Eating prevents ketosis, which can lead to vomiting. In addition, eating prevents your body from converting fats to energy and reduced acid generation, which can trigger vomiting.
Remember to avoid eating when already in labor because your digestion stops during labor.
Studies show that taking ginger tincture can help prevent throwing when giving birth. Be sure to directly take ginger or take in drinks such as tea, soup, or water.
- NoMo Nausea Bands
NoMo Nausea Bands are essential oil infused acupressure wristbands that are used in L&D suites across the country to help pregnant women just like you not get sick during delivery.
They stop 80% of nausea or vomiting in seconds, all you have to do is place them on your wrist at the P6 point and then smell when you don’t feel good to help keep everything down. Place them on your registry at BuyBuy Baby or better yet just buy one on amazon and put in your hospital bag so you have one during delivery. It’s a $12 purchase that could keep your hospital gown smelling nice!
You may want to use medications if you continuously throw up during labor. Be sure to consult your doctor on which anti-emetics are safe for you.
Bottom line
It is normal to throw up during labor – in fact, throwing up is a sign of transition, meaning labor is progressing well. However, throwing up during labor is unpleasant and can lead to dehydration. Be sure to contact your doctor if you experience continuous throwing up during labor.