Can you drink coffee while pregnant?
The main question most pregnant women ask is whether it is safe to take coffee during pregnancy, and if it is good, how much one should take in a day? Ladies I understand you need a little pep in your step, but there are other health alternatives. As a pregnancy doctor, I can't wait to tell you how much caffeine you can have while pregnant? Why is caffeine bad for pregnancy? And if you NEED caffeine, can you drink coffee while pregnant. Get ready to get the ESPRESSO version over the best pregnancy podcast Pukeology, if you don't have time to read in this blog for pregnant women.
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Caffeine During Pregnancy
It is advisable to take at least 200mg, that is, about one cup in a day. It is actually a good idea to reduce coffee intake during pregnancy to the minimum amount possible.
When possible, it is better to use a caffeine chart to avoid consuming too much coffee.
Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant? Can Pregnant Women Drink Coffee?
Yes! Pregnant women can drink coffee though it depends on the amount of coffee to be consumed in a day.
Caffeine drink can affect the baby and in pregnancy which is not directly seen.
It is advisable to limit coffee intake to as low as 200mg in a day which is equal to 1/8-ounce cup of coffee, depending on the brand.
How Much Caffeine Is Safe During Pregnancy?
Even though the recommended amount of coffee is 200mg or less in a day, experts believe that even taking a small amount can cause risk to your baby and your pregnancy.
Taking more than the recommended amount can make you have a small baby for gestational age or at risk of intrauterine growth restriction.
How Much Caffeine Can You Have While Pregnant?
Recent research shows that even women who take less than the recommended amount, of coffee each day had slightly smaller babies than those who did not take coffee.
It is also important to minimize coffee intake even after delivery because some brands cross the breast milk and can affect the baby especially in the first 6 months after giving birth.
Which Foods And Beverages Contain Caffeine?
It is important to be aware of foods and beverages that contain caffeine and how much coffee is in each brand.
It would help if you were keener to know the exact amount you consume in food.
The following are some sources of caffeine;
- Tea
- Soft drinks
- Energy drinks
- Chocolate
- Coffee ice cream.
It also shows up in herbal products and over-the-counter medication, which comprises some headache, cold, and allergy remedies. To be safe, always read the label carefully.
Pregnancy Headache Remedies

Are you suffering from second trimester migraines? Try a caffeine free alternative that gives the same results to decrease your headache or migraine all on your wrist. I'm talking about the 3:1 NoMo Migraine bracelet that combines dual action essential oils with pressure to break the headache cycle. Stop the pounding headache without consuming more caffeine, just put on NoMo Migraine when you feel the pressure behind the eyes, light sensitivity, or when you feel a migraine coming on.
Ways To Cut Back On Caffeine During Pregnancy.
Though it is important to reduce coffee intake it may not be easy. There is always that desire for a morning cup of coffee. However, the desire to take cough might disappear in the first trimester, but later come in full strength.
Here are ways to help you reduce your cravings;
- Ease off gradually
- Try mixtures for less caffeine
- Switch to decaf
- Seek other sources of energy.
- Avoid herbal remedies, but a little ginger tea is fine.
However, most researchers didn't find any problem related to moderate consumption of coffee, such as low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, miscarriage, and prematurity.
Can you drink coffee while pregnant?
That is why the average coffee intake is safe during pregnancy. So to be on the safe side, it is better to limit coffee intake as much as possible to avoid the risks associated with too much coffee intake.
Caffeine crosses the placenta into the amniotic fluid and your baby's bloodstream, so when you take coffee, your baby is prone to more risk than you are, and the fact that the baby is still developing so it takes much time to process the caffeine.
Why is caffeine bad for pregnancy?
Caffeine is a stimulant, so that it can cause problems to you, such as it can raise your heart rate and also blood pressure, and also it can exaggerate pregnancy symptoms such as feeling jitter, insomnia, heartburn, and frequent micturition.
The effect of caffeine can increase when the pregnancy progress because the ability of the body to absorb caffeine decreases, and it grows in the bloodstream.
It is also important to reduce the amount of coffee and tea because these beverages hinder the absorption of iron. and most pregnant women have low iron, so if you have to take coffee or tea, do it in between meals so that it can have less effect on your iron absorption.
Coffee and Pregnancy First Trimester

Now that you know your baby is also getting a caffeine kick, you should try to refrain from caffeine as much as possible during the firs trimester because your babies organs are being formed. This is called organogenesis and takes place between the 8th and 12th week of pregnancy.

That's why trying natural solutions like NoMo Nausea Morning Sickness Bracelets are so important because you don't want to ingest anything that could be harmful on your little one. New research has shown a link between anti-nausea medications and birth defects.