Birth Plan for First Time Moms: What to include in birth plan?
Every mom-to-be always looks forward to a day to give birth to a bouncing baby. Having birth ahead of time is an amazing way to prepare for delivery. Here is all you should know about the birth plan.

What is a birth plan?
A birth plan is your record of things you desire to be done when giving birth. A birth plan can help you select what to happen and what to avoid during labor and post deliver. So, your birth should include anything about labor and delivery that you prefer.
When preparing a birth plan, make it as personal as possible. Include everything you prefer based on your medical history, available services at your delivery facilities, and your pregnancy situation.
Why should you write a birth plan?
Honestly, it is not a must that you prepare a birth plan. However, having a birth plan can help you have the best delivery and post-partum experience.
It is recommended that you ask your midwife to help you write a birth plan. They are experienced in helping you understand what happens during labor and guide you to select the best maternity facility available in your area.
Think about including nausea relief when going to the hospital.
The more natural the better.
What you should include in your birth plan.
Every woman has a different experience during labor and delivery. Therefore, having a birth plan checklist can help you be aware of the possibilities while giving birth. Here are things you may include when preparing a birth plan.
The facility you would like to give birth to.
There are three levels of places you may want to give birth. These include your home, a birthing center, and a hospital.
Studies show that 9 in 10 women give birth in the hospital. We, therefore, recommend that you plan to give birth in the hospital. Make sure you select a hospital that specious a birth room to stay from labor, delivery, and recovery.
Birthing centers are also good places to give birth, particularly when carrying a low-risk pregnancy. The maternity centers have qualified and certified nurses that can help you during labor and delivery. Birthing centers are associated with a hospital, and they can quickly organize for transport to the hospital in case you experience any complications.
Giving birth at home is another alternative, but you must be in your best health and carrying a shallow risk pregnancy. It may not be an option if it is your first pregnancy. If you desire to give birth at home, ensure you get assisted by a certified nurse or physician. Also, ensure you organize for emergency transport if a complication occurs during labor, delivery, or post-delivery.
The people you want present when giving birth.
Labor and delivery can be exhausting, thus failing to decline who visits you in the birth room. So, specify who you want as your birth partner. You may include your spouse, friends, or your family members. Some delivery facilities limit the number of people who may visit you in the delivery room. So remember to ask if there is any limitation.
Other things you may include in your birth plan include
- The position you prefer to use during labor.
- The pain medication you want to use during labor
- The type of music you would like to listen to when giving birth
- How you would like the placenta to be delivered.
- How do you want your baby to be fed after giving birth?
- You would like to consider any special requirements while giving birth, such as certain religious customs.
If you choose to have a cesarean delivery, you may want to include thin such as:
- Taking a camera and having someone take pictures in the operating theatre.
- Requesting for the screen to be lowered so as you watch the delivery process.
- Asking for delayed cord clamping
- Skin to skin contact with your baby or between your baby and your spouse in theatre.
Here is a birth plan template that you can use to write your personalized birth plan.
Postpartum workout plan
Labor and delivery cause a lot of changes to your body. Having a postpartum workout plan can help you get in shape again. However, the type of exercise guideline will depend on the type of delivery and any complication you experience.
Here are the best postpartum exercises guidelines that can help you get back to your pre-pregnancy body.
- Kegels exercise
Kegel Exercises
To find the right muscle I want you to try to stop peeing midstream. Imagine your baby is crawling and just got into cleaning cabinet in the bathroom with hazardous chemicals (you know the baby proofed drawer that your husband broke out of rage because he couldn’t open it and said he was going to fix it… that one!) and you need to grab him/her before they put harsh chemicals in their mouth. You stop peeing immediately, that is your Kegels.
- Pick your favorite position for this exercise. Most women prefer lying on their back but I personally do mine while I’m driving because I have nothing better to do and I like to time it to the beat of the music.
- Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and squeeze your kegels for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds.
- Repeat step 2 for a least 5 times in a row
Just like any other muscle, you will build up strength the more that you do it. Increase the length of time from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. Make sure that you are not tightening your thighs, abs, or butt. Only tighten and release your pelvic floor. For best results this vaginal workout should be repeated 3 sets of Kegels 5-10 times a day. You will definitely see results within a few weeks, and your husband will appreciate it too as it may stimulate your sex drive.
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Walking
- Swiss ball bird dog holds
- Cat-cow in tabletop
- Swiss ball glute bridge
- Postpartum planks
- Side plank leg lifts
How to strengthen your vagina muscles?
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is a way to strengthen the vaginal wall. It’s important to know that your pelvic muscles are part of your core that supports your bladder, rectum, small intestine, and uterus. With age or after childbirth your pelvic floor can become weak leading to accidentally peeing yourself a little bit, feeling the constant need to pee, pain in your pelvic area, or experiencing pain during sex. Has this ever happened to you?
There are 4 amazing ways to help strengthen your pelvic floor. Think of these as exercises for your vagina!
Pelvic Tilt Exercises
Doing Kegels is great but you also need to strengthen your pelvis using the pelvic tilt exercise.
- Stand with your shoulders and butt up against a wall
- Pull your belly button in towards your spine flattening your back against the wall. For ladies who have a big booty, also known as a “sway back,” it may be harder to actually get your back to touch the wall. Get as close as you can (I speak from experience being a Latina).
- Tighten your bellybutton for 4 seconds and then release.
- Perform this pelvic tilt exercise 10 times for up to 5 times a day