Baby Registry Checklist- What to buy for your baby shower
With all the baby items and gadgets, how do I know what I will need, what needs to go on my baby registry, and what items I should buy for the baby before their arrival? Not to worry, this blog and accompanying podcast will list the top 9 items you need, you want, and what you can’t live without.
Your Guide to a Baby Registry with a Complete Baby Checklist
This is perfect for learning the top 10 items every mom must have on their baby registry and the answers to how much each of these baby gadgets are really worth. Ultimately, baby registries are what YOU make of them. You can add clothes, shoes, and toys but none of those will actually help you care for the baby. (I guess clothes are needed unless you’re a nudist, which we all are when we come out.) But if you want to know the best items to add to your baby registry so you can have the best baby shower ever, then check out the list below. Also, babylist registry is an easy website to use to create your unique and very best baby registry. If you want to hear more tips on baby registry must have items listen to Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 26: Baby Registry Checklist.
Must-have items for every baby registry:
Infant Car Seat
Did you know that you cannot leave the hospital with your baby without an approved car seat?
- You have to demonstrate you can put in the car seat in the car appropriately to a hospital employee. You will rear-seat the child and use a seatbelt. Current car seats come with a 5-point harness strap (think of a race car driver, that’s how your baby will be strapped in), click into the metal at the crease of the seats, and some even click above too.
- Your car seat cannot be expired. Most expire within 6 years but others last 10 years so check the labels.
- The car seat can have never been in a car crash prior. This is why buying 2ndhand car seats is not recommended.
- Check for any recalls. My top of the line beautiful car seat was recalled the day I was giving birth. I made my husband call the car seat company when I was giving birth.
Suggestion: those cute fluffy strap covers are great so that baby’s chin doesn’t get scratched up by the belt under their neck. Also, if your baby is premature or small at birth like mine (IUGR), get padding above their head so it doesn’t bobble around too much.
Mom advice: Spend a little more here on the car seat that it has those click in and out of the car, a 5-point harness, and a stroller that you can click directly too. If you need to go to the store the worst thing you can do is wake a sleeping baby, so click and go is worth it. If you find the one you like in the store, price check it on Amazon and you might find it cheaper online.
Stroller or Baby Carrier
Strollers come in various shapes and sizes. Make sure you go into BuyBuy Baby to play with them and make sure you can open them WITH ONE HAND. While you’re in BuyBuy Baby grab a NoMo Nausea Band just in case your delivery hospital doesn’t give them to you because you don’t want to be the 80% that throws up during your birthing day. Get a stroller that fits your lifestyle. If you’re a runner by a jogging stroller, if you have other children and theme park passes get a light foldable, or if you know you’re having more you may want to invest in a stroller you can add on or a double stroller (some even come with boogie boards for a 3rd kid). Or even better click here to purchase one for your special BIRTH-day.

Suggestion: Baby carriers are amazing. I prefer the ones with snaps that fit like a front and backpack. I tried a tribal African blanket looking one that you had to wrap 16 times, and I almost dropped the baby. Go with easy, it pays off when you’re tired.
Mom advice: Don’t waste your time buying a big bassinet stroller unless you’re a Kentucky derby mom and what to show off your new rims. They are super impractical and not worth the money. My favorite newborn baby stroller was a universal car seat carrier. It had a huge undercarriage and could fit any car seat.
Layette (aka set of newborn clothing)
Besides the cute outfit your baby will take photos in the hospital in, you really only need onesies and pull up or snap off PJs. Make sure when you’re choosing clothes to always choose cotton. You probably won’t be going to many places because remember babies’ immunity comes from mom breastfeeding every 2 hours so they are getting her antibodies.
A few more must-have items for your baby shower registry include:
- Crib, mattress, mattress cover and crib sheets
- Baby monitor
- Bottles, a breast pump if breastfeeding, formula if not
- Bibs and burp cloths
- Newborn-size disposable or cloth diapers and wipes
- Baby bathtub and toiletries
- Baby first aid kit, rectal thermometer and nail clippers
- Baby bouncer
Now you know the best and most helpful things to ask for when everyone that’s invited to your baby shower is calling you trying to figure out the perfect gift. Try not to stress out too much about having everything on this list word for word because guess what? The best gift for your baby is a loving family which you are a big part of. So enjoy shopping and unwrapping, but most of all enjoy time with your little one. And if you want to hear more about must-have baby items check out our podcast coming soon below!