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what is morning sickness like? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology with Dr. Darna discusses best morning sickness remedies like NoMo Nausea that she invented.

What is morning sickness like? Pregnancy Pukeology Episode 2

May 23, 2017


Dr. Jacqueline Darna

Morning Sickness:

What is it & What does it feel like?

Beautiful photo credits to Jennifer Lauren Photography

Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology

Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast starring Dr. PukeNoMo is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want to know what is morning sickness like, does pregnancy nausea only come in the morning, and what are some natural solutions to help those pregnant mommies enjoy their pregnancy. The science behind why women puke due to morning sickness & our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need and tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pukeology Podcasts in Pregnancy Episode 2 WHAT IS MORNING SICKNESS LIKE.

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What is morning sickness like?

Morning sickness is associated with nausea and vomiting, and is known as a presumptive sign of pregnancy. New studies link morning sickness sensation as a sign of a healthy pregnancy linking morning sickness to a lower risk of miscarriages but suffering from nausea and vomiting are actually side effects that can be eased. Still 20-30% of women don’t have morning sickness and still deliver healthy babies. You could feel nauseated early in the morning followed by vomiting.  If you want to know when morning sickness starts check out episode 1 pregnancy pukeology podcast called When does morning sickness start?
When does nausea start in pregnancy? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 2 - shows couple with pregnancy test and the woman wondering what is morning sickness like. How to get rid of morning sickness? NoMo Nausea Natural pregnancy nausea remedy. Dr. Darna, inventor of NoMo Nausea pregnancy bracelet describes how can help show clinically tested morning sickness remedies that work. NoMo Nausea, a morning sickness relief bracelet, is 25% off with code PUKE25 on website or buy at walmart, amazon, or meijer grocery store.

What causes morning sickness?

Causes of morning sickness: smells & tastes primarily. Perceived heightened sense of smell when women gag at certain odors. According to the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology “pregnant women have olfactors processes different from non-pregnant women.” 40% of chemical senses cooking odor, cigarette smoke, spoiled food, and perfume. Foods like beans, spaghetti sauce, fish, and eggs. 14% have phantom odor that resemble feces. Coping is avoidance of strong odors or eating something salty, eating smaller meals more frequently. Most heightened sense of smell resolves by the 2nd trimester.

When does morning sickness start? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 2 - shows couple with pregnancy test and the woman wondering what is morning sickness like. How to get rid of morning sickness? NoMo Nausea Natural pregnancy nausea remedy. Dr. Darna, inventor of NoMo Nausea pregnancy bracelet describes how can help show clinically tested morning sickness remedies that work. NoMo Nausea, a morning sickness relief bracelet, is 25% off with code PUKE25 on website or buy at walmart, amazon, or meijer grocery store.

The term morning sickness is a misnomer for you can actually experience vomiting anytime of the day. Less than 2% of women with morning sickness had nausea and vomiting only in the morning. Reminds some of a hangover where you can have waves of nausea at any time including nausea, cramps, diarrhea, heartburn.

Morning sickness remedies

Tips and Tricks: Natural is always best.  Foods like ginger, lemons, or the pectin of apples have been shown useful but when I’m sick the last thing I want is to put anything down in my mouth as food increases stomach acids.  Women during pregnancy have an increase in acid reflux, hence the tums next to the night stand. Try acupressure on your wrist at P6 and peppermint essential oil first. Acupressure after 45 minutes helps your body increase anti-nausea hormones helping you to stop your morning sickness by placing the band on at night. Acupressure at P6 has been equivalent to the effects of Zofran, the most commonly prescribed morning sickness medicine, which has been linked to birth defects and heart problems in children of mothers who used the medication during pregnancy. Peppermint essential oil when smelled via aromatherapy helps to stop vomiting immediately because the fastest way into the brain is thru the nose. Each technique about 50% effective at reducing morning sickness.  And now NoMo Nausea Band has made it even easier by combining both into a stylish & waterproof wristband that is clinically proven to stop 80% of your worst pregnancy upset stomach.  

 Home remedies for morning sickness. How to get rid of morning sickness? NoMo Nausea Natural pregnancy nausea remedy. Pink acupressure wristband with peppermint leaves due to the infusion of peppermint oil explaining safe for morning sickness, kids, and hospital use. Dr. Darna, inventor of NoMo Migraine describes how can help determine the difference and natural headache and migraine remedies that work. NoMo Nausea, a morning sickness relief bracelet, is 25% off with code PUKE25.

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