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Delivery Fears for First Time Pregnant Moms: Pooping during delivery fear or fate?

Delivery Fears for First Time Pregnant Moms: Pooping during delivery fear or fate?

Jun 24, 2015


jacqueline darna

Do Women Really Poop During Delivery?

Many first-time pregnant moms have fears about what might happen during delivery. One common concern is the possibility of pooping while giving birth. So, is this fear well-founded or just a natural part of the process?

The Truth About Pooping During Delivery

The reality is that a majority of women do poop during delivery, and it's completely normal. When you push hard during delivery, especially when the baby's head is crowning, the pressure can stimulate your colon and cause a bowel movement. This can result in the birth of a "brown baby," as some call it, either before or simultaneously with the arrival of your little one.

The Science Behind Pooping During Delivery

From a medical perspective, this phenomenon is known as a vagal maneuver. When you strain intensely, the vagus nerve in your body reacts by triggering a decrease in heart rate, as well as sensations of nausea, vomiting, and, yes, defecation. Additionally, certain pain relief methods, like epidurals and spinals during C-sections, can further reduce bowel movement. As an anesthetist, I often encounter pooping as the second most common problem during delivery, with nausea and vomiting taking the top spot. However, with the right approach, you can minimize these discomforts.

How to Manage Delivery Fears

While pooping during delivery may be inevitable for some, there are steps you can take to alleviate your worries and make the experience more comfortable:

1. Stay Informed

Understanding the science behind pooping during delivery can help ease your concerns. Knowing that it's a natural occurrence can provide reassurance and help you focus on the beautiful journey to motherhood.

2. Discuss with Your Healthcare Provider

Talk openly with your healthcare provider about any worries you have regarding pooping during delivery. They can provide guidance, answer your questions, and offer suggestions to help you feel more confident.

3. Consider Pain Relief Options

Discuss pain relief options, such as epidurals, with your healthcare provider. By managing your pain, you can focus better on the birthing process without straining excessively.

4. Use No Mo Nausea Band for Nausea Relief

Nausea and vomiting are common during delivery, but they can be effectively managed with the No Mo Nausea Band. This essential oil-infused pressure bracelet provides instant relief from morning sickness, motion sickness, and chemotherapy-induced nausea within just 30 seconds. Consider wearing one during delivery to make the overall experience more pleasant.

Finally, keep in mind that the most important thing during delivery is bringing your beautiful baby into the world. While pooping may be a temporary concern, it's overshadowed by the joyous arrival of your little one. Focus on the positive and embrace the miraculous process of childbirth.

So, rest assured that while pooping during delivery may be common, it's not something you need to fear. Prepare yourself, stay informed, and trust in your body's natural ability to give birth. And remember, by wearing the No Mo Nausea Band, you can effectively manage any nausea or vomiting that may occur during this transformative moment.

The Emotional Side of Pooping During Delivery

While the physical aspect of pooping during delivery is something that many pregnant women worry about, it's also important to address the emotional side of this experience. Giving birth can be a vulnerable and intense time, and the fear of pooping in front of medical professionals and loved ones can add an extra layer of anxiety.

It's essential to remember that childbirth is a natural process, and bodily functions like pooping are a normal part of it. The healthcare professionals who assist during delivery have seen it all before and are focused on ensuring a safe and healthy delivery for both mother and baby. They are trained to handle these situations with professionalism and compassion.

If you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the possibility of pooping during delivery, it can be helpful to communicate your concerns with your healthcare provider or birthing coach beforehand. They can offer reassurance and support, as well as provide suggestions for coping strategies during labor.

Tips for Managing Pooping During Delivery

While pooping during delivery is normal, there are a few techniques that can help minimize its occurrence or make it less noticeable:

Fiber-Rich Diet

Eating a diet rich in fiber during pregnancy can help regulate bowel movements and reduce the likelihood of constipation. This can be beneficial during labor, as it may decrease the amount of stool in your colon.

Bowel Movements Before Labor

If possible, try to have a bowel movement before going into labor. This can help empty your bowels and reduce the chances of having a significant bowel movement during delivery.

Focus on Breathing and Relaxation

During labor, focus on controlled breathing techniques and relaxation exercises. This can help alleviate tension in your pelvic floor muscles, potentially reducing the pressure on your colon and minimizing the urge to poop.

Use a Squatting Position

Some women find that assuming a squatting position during delivery can help open up the pelvic area and relieve pressure on the rectum, making it easier to pass stool if needed.

Remember, every woman's experience with pooping during delivery is different, and there is no right or wrong way to handle it. The most important thing is to create a supportive and understanding environment where you feel comfortable and empowered to bring your baby into the world.


1. Is it common to poop during delivery?

Yes, it is very common for women to poop while giving birth. The pressure from pushing can stimulate the colon and cause a bowel movement.

2. Will the healthcare professionals judge me if I poop during delivery?

No, healthcare professionals who assist during delivery are accustomed to this natural occurrence and are focused on ensuring a safe and healthy delivery. They are trained to handle these situations with professionalism and compassion.

3. Can I prevent pooping during delivery?

While it may not be entirely preventable, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood or make it less noticeable. These include maintaining a fiber-rich diet, having a bowel movement before labor, focusing on breathing and relaxation techniques, and assuming a squatting position during delivery.

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Dr. in Naturopathy answers

- How can first-time pregnant moms manage their delivery fears about pooping during labor? - What are some tips for handling the fear of pooping during delivery? - Is pooping during delivery a common occurrence for expecting mothers? - How can pregnant women emotionally prepare for the possibility of pooping during labor? - What are some frequently asked questions about pooping during delivery for first-time moms? Blog summary: Dive into the common fear of pooping during delivery for first-time pregnant moms and discover how to manage this fear with the right approach and mindset in this insightful blog post. Explore similar topics on delivery fears and pregnancy at NoMo Nausea's Health and Wellness blog address:

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