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Entrepreneur Motivation thru Entrepreneurship Quotes - NoMoNauseaBand

Entrepreneur Motivation thru Entrepreneurship Quotes

Dec 30, 2020

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Dr. Jacqueline Darna

Every entrepreneur needs motivation! Being an entrepreneur & medical inventor of NoMo Bands for the last 6 years (after leaving my day job as a physician) there are some valuable entrepreneurship quotes I've created along the way that I thought I would share with you called Entrepreneur Inspiration. Let's be real, I left my day job making 6 almost 7 figures to manufacturing 3:1 patented essential oil infused acupressure wristbands.  To say my life was turned upside down was an understatement, but in under 2 years I was found in major big box retailers (now over 30,000 stores), NoMo Nausea Med Plus Bands in hospitals in over 12 countries of the world (over 1000 hospitals just here in the US), and

grew a direct to consumer brand presence via my website and amazon that got noticed attention for a Superbowl Ad! Want to learn more about me plus some great entrepreneur quotes? Follow @nomonausea for motivational quotes every Monday. Here is just a few of my favorites & I hope you too will support me and my NoMo Brands.

Business is the business of people

I'm starting off with my favorite quote, the quote I'm most known for. Business is all about connections.  You are your company, so brand yourself and be known for what you do and how you help others.  Make sure your mission is clear and you tell everyone.  Don't forget to 

"Business is the business of people not products or services. Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless"

entrepreneurship quote on being fearless

Motivational quotes about the past

How do you make sure to remember what actually matters? By remembering who you are, where you came from, where you’re going and why it matters. So what are you waiting for? Lets you take control of your memories, so you can manage your mind and the way it impacts your life. I believe that we are not victims of circumstance, but rather creators of our own experience as a function of how we choose to think about what happens to us in our lives.

"What mattes in your life is not so much what happens to you but what you happen to remember, and how that will influence how your life happens."

entrepreneurship quote about learning from the past

Best time to start your entrepreneurial journey

You have today. You have this moment. You can make a difference. Picture yourself in the future saying, “I was here and now that I look back I see that I made a difference.” That’s the NoMo Bands legacy I intend to leave, what’s yours? 

"If you stand alone and sell yourself, you can't please everyone. But when you're different, you can last."

entrepreneurial quote about being different is beautiful

Entrepreneurial Adventure

Finding the right business is not always about where you start, the adventure and thrill seeking portion is when you step out of your comfort zone to find where you truly belong. 

"Adventure beyond the borders of your comfort zone to find where you truly belong."

motivational quote on finding the right business

10 daily habits of most successful entrepreneurs

I'm a planner, meaning I set aside time to read the bible every morning when I wake up.  You should take 5-10 minutes to align your mind for the day to come.  Next I workout for 20 minutes just to get my blood flowing, plus it's great for your heart a good cardiovascular workout.  I personally cycle on the peloton but some enjoy running or just doing push ups and crunches. Then I set achievable expectations and write them down. Once I complete each one I get the satisfaction of checking them off.  Make sure you allot time for each item your doing, set an alarm if you have to.  For example I do Gary V's $1.80 method for Instagram growth as shown below, I now know that it will take me 90 minutes, that's 1.5 hour, to do my daily Instagram following. Set 10 minute alarms for yourself prior to meetings, and get a google assistant.  You no longer need to spend precious time typing in your meetings, instead you can talk to it.  Last but not least go where the money is.  Don't waste your time doing something that won't give you a return. Now that's my 2 cents!

how to do the dollar eighty instagram strategy

Entrepreneur meaning

"It's not enough to have purpose for yourself. You have to create a sense of purpose for others."

 Entrepreneurial mindset quotes

Entrepreneur mindset

There's no greater entrepreneur of our day than Elon Musk.  He thrives in failure and learns from those crossroads to change the way he thinks and reacts to the next set of challenges.

"Tell me the story of your life, and the decisions that you made along the way, and why you made them."

Elon Musk quotes on entrepreneurial mindset

Entrepreneurship quote on giving

Generosity is a lasting impression...Last month we raised thousands of NoMo Bands to be given to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Here's how we did Thank you all for either buying NoMo Nausea Bands or sending my product to those who needed it. You truly have a servant heart.

"Don't be impressed by money, followers, degrees, and titles. Be impressed by kindness, integrity, humility, and generosity."

entrepreneurial philanthropy quotes

Entrepreneur motivation on a bad day

I don't like the term bad (even though I wrote this quote), instead I'd like to think of them as blessings in disguise. Life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you get a nasty one (for me its the gooey cherry dark chocolate YUCK... what's yours?), but I bet you won't make that same mistake twice. Move on with it, you have the rest of the week, just keep these two pearls of wisdom

1. Fail Fast

2. Learn Always

"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."

Motivational quotes for a bad day

Gratitude Practices for every entrepreneur

The attitude of gratitude, now that's an entrepreneurial mindset. I use one day to send emails to friends, family, employees, and mentors just to tell them THANK YOU.



Alma (con tu alma is spanish for with your all)

Need nothing in return


Entrepreneurship Fashion

Confidence is best worn at all times! Who said diamonds are a girls best friend when it's really their perfect imperfections that make them rare? Being comfortable in your own skin and being able to laugh at yourself first always helps. Whether your enacting a crazy idea, putting into motion a new procedure or policy, or launching a product you must look at your business goals objectively. Never judge yourself only the company at hand because you are the core, and you are the differentiator that makes it all matter.

"A woman that is a gem... nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself. Comfortable in her perfect imperfections."

Entrepreneur fashion wears confidence always

Entrepreneurial quotes on the value of people

Let's celebrate Martin Luther King Jr as the transformative political and moral leader that he was. He championed racial equality, and mastered strategic non-violent protests for civil rights. It pains me to hear of the racial injustice that is still going on today. May we remember his legacy and change the way we see others, not for the color of their skin but value as human being that they bring to this Earth. 

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

MLK Day quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King

Most successful women entrepreneurs

Did you know that every time you turn on the light in your bathroom, or walk into a building, or ride in an elevator or step onto a plane, you are benefiting from women's ingenuity? Dr. Jacqueline Darna is one of those women. NoMo Bands’ founder and CEO helped create a medical wristband for nausea, migraines, and sleep called NoMo Wristbands, that has been manufactured and used by some of the world’s largest hospitals & businesses in the world.

Who runs the world? GIRLS! Thanks for that one Beyonce.

Quotes of women ingenuity

Definition of a Goal

"A goal is just a dream with a deadline."

definition of a goal

Be Courageous Quotes

Make your dreams come true day is best celebrated by the incredible entrepreneur Walt Disney. Mine did with my invention of NoMo Bands and now I can help millions of people have a better quality of life naturally! “It all started because I was pregnant and after giving birth became very ill and vomited for days straight. When nothing else worked, I tried acupressure and smelled #peppermint leaves and IT WORKED. When I got home from the hospital I desperately looked for a wristband that combined the two and when I couldn’t find it I patented it and the rest is history, NoMo Nausea Band was born.” The success of the NoMo Wristband is undeniable. In 6 years, I helped millions of people around the world improve their well-being and health in all aspects to be able to live their dream life: a comfortable pregnancy, enjoyable day at sea, a family fun car trip, a headache free day, or just a great night sleep. 

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Walt Disney Quotes

1 comment
  • Johanna Sanchez

    Love this! All very inspiring and true!

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