50 "Did You Know" Fun Facts on the Human Body

50 Fun Facts about the body
- At what age do babies have fingerprints?
- Can 2 people have the same sense of smell?
- Can you be allergic to outer space?
- Can you tickle yourself?
- Can your heartbeat change with music?
- Do dreamers sleep better at night?
- Do you burn calories when your sleeping?
- Does your sense of smell have memory?
- How can maintaining good relationships help boost your immune system?
- How fast does a sneeze travel?
How many people have an extra rib?
Around 8% of the world population has an extra rib.
This is known as the cervical rib, and it comes from the seventh cervical vertebra. This is considered a congenital abnormality that is located above the normal first rib. There is a 1 in 500 chance that a person will be born with this condition.
Does honey have health benefits?
Honey never spoils.
Here’s one of our sweetest did you know facts about honey. When honey is heated and strained and sealed properly, it will not be able to absorb moisture and therefore will stay as it is forever. The oldest jar of honey ever found is stated to be over 5500 years old today. Learn about all the health benefits of honey at reducing cold & flu symptoms and keeping your immune system up.
What causes a hangover headache?
The human brain is 78% water.
Up to 60% of the adult human body is made up of water. Research has indicated that both the human brain and heart are around 73-78% water. When you drink alcohol, it causes dehydration because it’s a diuretic, hence why you always have to pee. It’s called “breaking the seal.”

How to cure a hangover in seconds?

Your brain is bathed in water so when it’s not floating it sags and puts pressure on the meninges, the attachment of the brain to the skull and you sense and overwhelming head pain that we call a hangover headache. NoMo Migraine stops headaches and migraines even after you drink with a 3:1 combination bracelet. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water too.
How many people have your same birthday?
You share your birthday with 19 million people.
On average, a person will share a birthday with 19 million other people from a population of over 7 billion. If you were born on the least common day of the year, you would still share the same birthday as 18 million people. Most women deliver in August, so most babies born are Leo’s.
What part of the body heals the fastest?
The human tongue heals the fastest compared to all body parts.
This is due to the rich supply of blood that circulates the tongue. It may also be because the mouth is constantly replenishing your taste buds. Avascular, or parts of the body that don’t get a lot of blood flow, areas like your knees take forever to heel and those individuals having surgery there will take longer to heal.
What is the most common mental illness?
Depression is the most common mental illness.
Second to this is anxiety disorders. More than 264 million people of all ages today suffer from depression.
How long will a person sleep on average of their lifetime?
A person will sleep an average of 25 years in their lifetime.
The average time a person sleeps at night is around 8 hours. People also spend an average of 7 years trying to go to sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping, I invented NoMo Sleepless Nights to help you naturally go to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Our 3:1 lavender essential oil infused pressure bracelet actually helps your body produce more melatonin and gives you that good REM sleep your body needs. Even if your pregnant, you can safely wear NoMo Sleepless Nights every night and keep a great night sleep. Here's the Best Way to Sleep Pregnant Blog.
Natural Sleep Remedy

What are alternatives to coffee in the morning for energy?
Apples wake you up more than coffee in the morning.
This is because of the high amounts of sugar that is found in apples. The vitamins from the apples also have similar effects to caffeine, thus making you feel more awake.
What foods contain all vitamins?
Apart from Vitamin C, eggs contain every single vitamin.
It also contains high traces of protein, fat, and minerals. The egg yolk is also one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. Find out what you should be eating in pregnancy with this pregnancy diet guide that will help anyone be healthy.
How many times a day do people laugh?
People laugh an average of 10 times a day & increases blood flow by 20%.
Laughter has many benefits such as being able to lower blood pressure and reduces stress hormones. Laughing is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20 percent. It also triggers the release of endorphins and produces a general sense of well-being. Laughing 10o times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary bike.
10 interesting facts on the human body
- How fast does someone having to be running to surpass jogging?
- How long until you feel the buzz from alcohol?
- How many bones do humans have?
- How many people in the world are overweight?
- How many teenagers are sleep deprived?
- How many times a day do people laugh?
- How many times do we blink per minute?
- How many times per year do you get sick?
- How much iron does a women need?
- How much oxygen does the brain need?
- How much skin do we humans shed every hour?
- How strong are human bones?
- How to naturally boost self-esteem?
- How to reduce stress levels?
- What 3 foods can boost your sex drive and improve fertility?
What is the oldest known vegetable?
The pea is the oldest known vegetables.
Historians have found traces of its origins dating back as far as the stone age. Since then, it has been heavily cultivated and consumed.
How strong are human bones?
The thigh bones of humans are 8x stronger than concrete.
The thigh bones support the weight of the entire body and are approximately eight times stronger than concrete. However, they are still prone to break when serious injury is inflicted on the bone.
How many bones do humans have?
Humans have 206 bones, which is just 1 bone fewer than horses.
Horses have an average of 205 bones or more while the adult human is set at 206. On average, horses will live for 25-30 years.
How much oxygen does the brain need?
25% of the oxygen we breathe is used by the brain.
This oxygen is used to help blood cells circulate the brain and allow it to function normally. The also uses three times as much oxygen as the muscles in the body do.
Where are red blood cells made?
Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
The red blood cells begin in the bone marrow as immature cells. After a week of maturing, they are sent out to the bloodstream. The bone marrow also produces 60-70% of white blood cells and as well as all of the platelets.
Can you be allergic to outer space?
The astronaut Harrison Schmitt was allergic to moon dust on the Apollo 17 mission.
Did you know an astronaut was allergic to the moon? Seems like someone had a tre-moon-dous allergy problem! During the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt found out that he had a severe reaction to moon dust. An allergic reaction is the body’s reaction to an external item by producing histamine causing redness, swelling, and congestion. This is your bodies way of protecting itself from the item causing you this allergic reaction.
How long until you feel the buzz from alcohol?
It only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain. That buzz feeling is dependent on the type of alcohol and how many 2E1 receptors you have to help breakdown the alcohol per hour. As a rule of thumb your body can digest 1 shot, 1 beer, 1 glass of wine per hour on average.
Did you know it only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain? Give yourself 6 minutes and you’ll see your favorite alcoholic beverage can go to your head a lot quicker than you think. Researchers at Heidelberg University Hospital found that just six minutes after consuming alcohol, changes are already taking place in the brain! Now just imagine the effects to drinking too much. Don't worry NOMO because we've got a cure for hangovers.
What causes goosebumps when your cold?
Goosebumps are caused by a muscle called the arrector pili.
Did you know goosebumps are caused by a muscle? At the base of every hair follicle are tiny fan-shaped muscles called Arrector pili. These muscles contract when the body is cold to warm the body up and cause a person's hair to "stand up straight" on their skin aka goosebumps.
How fast does someone having to be running to surpass jogging?
Jogging means moving at speeds less than 6 mph, anything above that is called running. Can pregnant women run? Can you workout while pregnant? Of course you can! I always tell my patients it's better to walk versus run, but if you were a marathon runner before you were pregnant you can keep the same level of activity. (Just modify when running at 9 months becomes uncomfortable and use a belly band for extra support.)
Did you know there's a precise speed where jogging becomes running? Calling all fitness nuts! According to conditioning coach, Mike Antoniades, jogging means moving at "speeds less than 6 mph." Any faster than that, and you’re running for the hills!

What fruit will light on fire in the microwave?
Grapes will light on fire in the microwave.
Did you know grapes light on fire in the microwave? In 2011, a physicist at the University of Sydney went viral after he placed a grape in the microwave, filmed the blazing results, and stumped scientists until 2019! Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it was reported that the spontaneous combustion of grapes occurs because of the loose electrons and ions that cluster to form plasma when the fruit gets hot.
What is the largest organ in the body?
Your SKIN is the largest organ in the human body.
Your skin works hard. Not only is it the largest organ in the body, but it regulates your temperature and defends against disease and infection.
Who lives longer optimists or pessimists?
Being an optimist can help you live longer.
Always look on the bright side: being an optimist can help you live longer. We are a species living longer. It’s noted that between 2000 and 2015, the average global life expectancy increased by five years. Sitting and sleeping are great in moderation, but too much can increase your chances of an early death.
What causes as many deaths as smoking?
A lack of exercise now causes as many deaths as smoking. Smokers reduce their life span expectancy by 11 minutes per cigarette. Exercising has so many health benefits and can even wake up if you’re feeling tired. Exercising has so many health benefits and can even wake up if you’re feeling tired.
How many people in the world are overweight?
39% of adults in the world are overweight.
Obesity is a condition of excessive weight. The United States ranks one of the highest countries in the world for one of the highest percentages of obesity around the world. Scientists have discovered 14 genes that cause obesity and three that prevent weight gain. During your lifetime, you will eat about 30,000 kg of food (the weight of 6 African elephants).
Which country spends the most amount on healthcare?
The US spends almost three times more on healthcare than any other country in the world.
The US spends almost three times more on healthcare than any other country in the world but ranks last in life expectancy among the 12 wealthiest industrialized countries. For this reason we need a multi-modal approach to modern medicine. Both eastern and western medicine is needed to help people get well, not just mask the problems with more pharmaceutical drugs. Hence why I invented NoMo Nausea, NoMo Migraine, and NoMo Sleepless Nights to help give relief in seconds for nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraines, and sleep problems without side effects to target the receptors in the brain and help adjust hormones for the betterment of all people with their health.

25 Medical Facts You Probably Don't Know
- What breakfast food can help boost serotonin to help with depression?
- What causes as many deaths as smoking?
- What causes goosebumps when your cold?
- What fruit will light on fire in the microwave?
- What hairs grow the fastest on the human body?
- What herb can increase alertness and improve memory?
- What is the largest organ in the body?
- What is the oldest known vegetable?
- What nail grows the fastest?
- What part of your body can identify you?
- What vitamin other than calcium is needed for bone health?
- Where are red blood cells made?
- Which country spends the most amount on healthcare?
- Who lives longer optimists or pessimists?
- Why does an apple a day keep the doctor away?
- Why is having high sugars and being a diabetic a problem?
- Does honey have health benefits?
- How long will a person sleep on average of their lifetime?
- How many people have an extra rib?
- How many people have your same birthday?
- What are alternatives to coffee in the morning for energy?
- What causes a hangover headache?
- What foods contain all vitamins?
- What is the most common mental illness?
- What part of the body heals the fastest?
What 3 foods can boost your sex drive and improve fertility?
Almonds, avocados and arugula (the three ‘A’s) can boost your sex drive and improve fertility.
- Almonds
- Avocados
- Arugula
Non-Starchy Vegetables like arugula have little effect on blood sugar and are great sources of fiber. Fiber is especially helpful for keeping you pooping by acting as fuel for your intestinal bacteria (probiotics), but it also slows down how quickly your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar.
Why am I not getting pregnant?
If you're looking for answers for infertility with natural remedies that help boost production of eggs, and help your man increase good quality sperm, this Best Pregnancy Podcast called Pukeology Episode 62 goes into all the details as to "why can I not get pregnant?"
What breakfast food can help boost serotonin to help with depression?
Eating oatmeal provides a serotonin boost to calm the brain and improve your mood.
Depression is the leading mental health disorder, so anything that can boost your mood and increase the release of serotonin, or your happy hormone, will help boost your mood naturally.
How much iron does a women need?
Women below the age of 50 need twice the amount of iron per day as men of the same age.
Women need more iron than men especially when menstruating. Cooking in a cast iron skillet can add significant amounts of iron to your food.
Why does an apple a day keep the doctor away?
Apples can reduce high levels of cholesterol to keep your heart healthy.
An apple a day does keep the doctor away. Apples can reduce high levels of cholesterol to keep your heart healthy. The pectin, or the outer coating of the apple, is a sea sickness remedy that has been used by boat captains for years. That’s why there is an apple in every stateroom on most cruise ships along with NoMo Nausea Bands. NoMo Nausea bracelets help stop sea sickness in 30 seconds or less and when placed 45 minutes before boarding the boat can produce anti-nausea hormones to fight against motion sickness on a cruise.
What vitamin other than calcium is needed for bone health?
Vitamin D is as important as calcium in determining bone health.
Vitamin D, derived from the sun and found in foods like milk, is just as important as calcium for bone and health and most people don’t get enough of it.
How to reduce stress levels?
Reading a book can reduce your cortisol, or stress hormones, by 68%. Here are 11 stress relieving products found on amazon.
- NoMo Nausea Bracelet with medical grade peppermint essential oil infused acupressure for anxiety induced nausea
- Essential oil diffuser
- Pink bath salt
- Calm journal
- Lavender wellness candle, and if you have difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep try NoMo Sleepless Nights on the sleep pressure point on your wrist.

Feeling stressed? Read. Getting lost in a book can lower levels of cortisol, and other unhealthy stress hormones, by up to 68%. Cortisol is the fat storing hormone also that affects women more than men. That's the reason why we ladies can't drop weight has fast as you men because our cortisol (stress hormone levels) are storing fat for winter.
How can maintaining good relationships help boost your immune system?
Maintaining good relationships with your friends and family, reduces harmful levels of stress and boosts your immune system.
What herb can increase alertness and improve memory?
Smelling rosemary & chewing gum may increase alertness, relieves stress, and improves memory.
Students, this one’s for you. Smelling rosemary may increase alertness and improve memory so catch a whiff before a test or important meeting. Keep a sprig of rosemary in your backpack and smell before the SAT or MCAT for all my other aspiring doctors out there. Chewing gum while your testing makes you more alert, relieves stress and reduces anxiety levels. To help stop the late night studying migraine, keep NoMo Migraine bracelet with you and on any test. This way you can smell it to help increase oxygenation and focus on the test in front of you.
How to naturally boost self-esteem?
Walking outside – or spending time in green space – can reduce negative thoughts and boost self-esteem.
Why is having high sugars and being a diabetic a problem?
People with high blood sugar levels are more likely to experience cognitive decline.
Did you know that half of the women with gestational diabetes during their pregnancy will be diabetic later on in life? Read this pregnancy doctor written blog on Gestational Diabetes or listen to the Best Pregnancy Podcast - Pukeology for answers to all your pregnancy questions.
Can 2 people have the same sense of smell?
Everyone has a unique sense of smell except for identical twins, because they smell the exact same!
At what age do babies have fingerprints?
A human fetus growing in a mom’s belly gets fingerprints at 3 months gestational age. These fingerprints are unique from the very start.
What part of your body can identify you?
Like fingerprints, your tongue is unique to only you and can be used to identify you.
Your tongue besides being unique to you also has 5 different taste buds that each help you enjoy or not enjoy the foods your eating.
What are the 5 taste buds?
- Bitter
- Salty
- Sour
- Sweet
- Umami
What nail grows the fastest?
Your fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
Do dreamers sleep better at night?
People who dream more often and vividly have higher sleep IQ’s and tend to sleep better and dream.
If you have difficulty sleeping, I invented NoMo Sleepless Nights to help you naturally go to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Our 3:1 lavender essential oil infused pressure bracelet actually helps your body produce more melatonin and gives you that good REM sleep your body needs.

How fast does a sneeze travel?
Sneezes regularly exceed 100 MPH, while coughs move at 60 MPH. This is a tropical storm like winds coming straight from your body. When you sneeze, you’re getting rid of 100,000 virus cells up to 9 meters. And 1 single bacteria can multiple into 8,000,000 cells in less than 24 hours.
How many times per year do you get sick?
Most adults get sick 2-3 times per year on average.
School-aged children can have 12 of more colds per year. As there are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world. This is why you need NoMo Nausea Kids to protect the spread of even more germs while settling their upset tummy and keeping your car seat from motion sickness clean.

Can you tickle yourself?
It is NOT possible to tickle yourself because you are aware of the exact time, location, and manner which the tickling will occur, unlike when someone else does the tickling.
Does your sense of smell have memory?
The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents and associate’s memories with certain smells.
How much skin do we humans shed every hour?
Humans shed 600,000 particles of skin every hour, which is 1.5 pounds each year. Now that is some dust collection.
How many teenagers are sleep deprived?
About ½ of all teenagers are sleep deprived.
If you have difficulty sleeping, I invented NoMo Sleepless Nights to help you naturally go to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Our 3:1 lavender essential oil infused pressure bracelet actually helps your body produce more melatonin and gives you that good REM sleep your body needs.

How many times do we blink per minute?
Blinking your eyes happens 10-20 times per minute, meaning we spend 10% of our waking hours with our eyes closed.
Can your heartbeat change with music?
Your heartbeat changes & mimics the tempo of the music you listen to
What hairs grow the fastest on the human body?
A man’s beard is the fastest growing hairs on the human body, and if never cut, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long during his lifetime.
Do you burn calories when your sleeping?
You burn more calories sleeping that you do watching television.