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Hurricane Preparedness Pregnancy Checklist & Barometric Pressure Labor during a Hurricane. Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 7

Sep 09, 2017


jacqueline darna

Hurricane Survival Kit While Pregnant. Weathering a Storm


Pukeology Science: Will A Hurricane Induce Labor?

  Don’t we wish the mythbusters would do an episode on whether or not a hurricane can induce labor?  As a biomedical physicist prior to medical school, I will tell you everything I know.  Exactly what induces the start of labor is a mystery but studies suggest that drops in barometric pressure (or pressure in the atmosphere) can trigger the amniotic sac to rupture.  We lovely ladies know this best as breaking our water. The amniotic sac is kind of like a balloon, and when you lower the external pressure on it, there’s an increased risk of having it pop.  But the sac is very well protected, so a small drop in this barometric pressure is highly unlikely to cause the reason for the onset of labor as 100% contributing factor.  I do have to say during bad storms the hospital does get full of laboring patients but that may correlate with my bad luck on the floor. A study was done by Yasin and colleagues on deliveries during Hurricane Andrew in 1992, which is the lowest recorded drop of barometric pressure, and they found no association between air pressure and labor.  Pass on the knowledge, please!
   It is more likely that the stress of the hurricane can be more to blame for inducing labor than the drop in pressure. During extreme weather events it is important that pregnant women maintain their safety, stay well hydrated, and eat well.

Tips & Tricks to Stop the Up-Chuckle That You Need

   So let’s discuss what needs to be in your pregnancy survival kit.  First, be stocked for a 3 day supply and pack at least 1 gallon of water daily per person. Water purification tablets are very important because unsanitary water can harvest bacteria that can be harmful during pregnancy.  If you want more information on those water born bacteria listen to Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 5 Foods to Avoid while pregnant.  It gives you a full list of why you can’t swallow the water in lakes or at waterparks and not just why you can’t eat sushi, hotdogs, or lunch meat.
   Sanitation is key, so pack toilet paper, wet wipes, soaps, shampoo, rain gear, change of clothing, blankets (because shelters do not usually have them), flashlights, battery powered radio, mobile device charger & back up battery pack, and portable grill or someway to heat up foods. Pregnant women have decreased immunity, so make sure you have a first aid kit for any minor cuts or abrasions, insect repellent to avoid the Zika virus, sunscreen, vitamins, anti-diarrhea medications, and natural anti-nausea remedies like the NoMo Nausea Band to stop morning sickness and avoid vomiting in seconds that is safe during pregnancy. Find these must have wristbands at,, on amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, or for your little ones at 6000 CVS stores. Don’t forget your ID, passport, and all medical paperwork including your insurance cards.
   When the electricity goes out, there maybe a high correlation with the water mains breaking so have plastic silverware and disposable plates to eat off of because you do not want to get sick.
   Healthy non-perishable foods are packed with protein like peanut butter, nuts, raisins, dried fruits, beef jerky, and other snacks packed with high-energy caloric intake. Powdered or canned evaporated milk and juice are also great besides the 1 gallon of water per person you’re bringing.

   I myself am currently awaiting Hurricane Irma to hit, one of the 2017 hurricane names affecting Florida, and as the hurricane news team or national hurricane center would call me “hunkering down” to wait out the storm as I am the Hurricane disaster relief team at the hospital I use to work in full time.  I thought this was the best time to podcast about what pregnant women need in case of a natural disaster. Please everyone stay safe, heed warning and evacuate when told.  For more life saving tips listen and download my Hurricane preparedness pregnancy checklist pregnant pukeology podcast episode 7 or just checkout our monthly podcast.


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Dr. in Naturopathy answers

- Hurricane Preparedness Pregnancy Checklist & Barometric Pressure Labor during a Hurricane - Can a hurricane induce labor during pregnancy? - Effects of barometric pressure on labor - Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 7 - Natural disaster survival tips for expectant mothers Discover how to stay safe during natural disasters and prepare for labor induced by barometric pressure in pregnancy with the Hurricane Preparedness Pregnancy Checklist. Check out related topics on pregnancy and wellness at

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